“Big blow” for Soprano, the singer expresses his deep dismay

We expected him on July 2 at the Stade de France but it seems that everything is not going as planned … Soprano announced bad news this Sunday March 6 in the columns of the daily Provence. Indeed, the former member of Psy 4 de la Rime has just learned that his concert in Saint-Denis could be canceled. And for once, the Covid-19 is not in question!

Indeed, it would seem that the many works in progress, linked to Greater Paris and the Olympic Games which will take place in Paris in 2024, prevent any demonstration in the Stade de France. A news that landed Soprano. “We had a crushing blow for the Stade de Francehe said. There are works all around for the Olympics, on the metro line, we were told that the concert should perhaps be stopped“.

And it’s not just about music. “It also applies to matches. We told them that it was not possible, it’s the concert of a lifetime! After the concerns related to the Covid, we only needed that“, he explained, disappointed, when the health constraints have just been lifted after two years of difficulty.

But the singer is not giving up and tries to find a solution, even if there is not much he can do about it at the moment. “It’s not resolved. It’s not the Stade de France, it’s the management of the works around it. We expect them to find solutions. We’ll find out in the coming weeks.“.

All is not yet lost for the singer, who said to himself “focused and impatient“to see his fans back on stage.”When I’m in the street, the people I meet say to me: ‘We see you at the stadium!’. It’s adrenaline“regularly explains the Marseillais, who has already filled the Vélodrome, the stadium of the Phocaean city, several times and who had described this experience as one of the strongest of his life.

His tour (which was to end with the Stade de France) will also make two stops there, on June 18 and 19, 2022, two dates which are quickly announced to be complete!

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