Biden’s science adviser apologizes for his behavior

(Washington) A White House investigation unearthed credible evidence that President Joe Biden’s chief scientific adviser, Dr. Eric Lander, violated administration policies that ensure a safe and respectful workplace .

Posted at 9:34 a.m.

Zeke Miller
Associated Press

Dr. Lander, however, will retain his position, after receiving counseling.

An investigation last year, initiated in response to a complaint, found that Dr Lander, who heads the Office of Science and Technology Policy (OTSP) and is Mr Biden’s science adviser, harassed employees and disrespected them.

Mr Biden had warned from day one of his presidency that he expected “honesty and decency” from all employees in his administration and that anyone who disrespected others would be fired “immediately”.

The White House said administration officials met with Dr. Lander about his behavior and handling of the agency. She clarified that Dr. Lander and the OTSP will have to make certain corrections in response to the investigation.

“White House leadership met with Dr. Lander to discuss the seriousness of this matter and the President’s expectation that all employee interactions be conducted in a respectful manner,” a White House spokesperson said. Mike Gwin. We take this very seriously and are acting quickly to make sure it doesn’t happen again. »

Dr. Lander apologized to employees at his agency on Friday, admitting that he “spoke to colleagues within the OTSP in a disrespectful or demeaning manner.”

“I am deeply sorry for my behavior,” he added. I especially want to apologize to those whom I treated incorrectly, or who were present at the time. »

Dr. Lander, whose position was elevated to cabinet level by Mr. Biden, stood with the president last week when the latter announced a new federal initiative to fight cancer.

The Politico site was the first to reveal the results of the investigation of which Dr. Lander was the subject.

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