Biden’s close guard defends his economic policy

(Washington) Joe Biden’s close guard tried Sunday to defend his economic policy, increasingly criticized by the Americans, who are experiencing a surge of inflation unprecedented for thirty years.

The latest opinion poll from Washington post and the ABC channel, published Sunday, establishes the confidence rating of the American president at 41%. Only 39% of Americans approve of the Democratic President’s economic policies, and 70% of them consider the economic situation in the United States to be bad.

The poll, conducted by telephone from November 7 to 10, does not even fully measure the impact of the publication, last Friday, of statistics showing a surge in prices not seen in thirty years.

The White House was struggling to contain the damage during traditional Sunday morning political broadcasts on television.

On CBS, Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen, in an interview recorded Friday and rebroadcast Sunday, estimated that in terms of inflation, “it is the pandemic that decides”.

The Biden administration insists that COVID-19, by increasing online shopping and disrupting production chains, is primarily responsible for the price hike.

“If we are successful in fighting the pandemic, I expect prices to return to normal in the second half of next year,” Janet Yellen said.

The president’s chief economic adviser, Brian Deese, assured him on CNN and NBC that Joe Biden’s reforms would have a positive impact on prices.

The president is due to sign on Monday with great fanfare a law devoting 1.2 trillion dollars to infrastructure spending.

Which will “help move goods more freely and at a lower cost,” Brian Deese said on NBC.

The House of Representatives is due to consider another big plan next week, of $ 1,750 billion in social spending and investment in the energy transition.

“It will not increase inflationary pressures, on the contrary,” assured Brian Deese, on CNN this time, arguing that the costs of childcare, for example, would drop.

“We are confident” on a vote before the end of the week of this text, which will still have to pass the obstacle of the Senate, he added.

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