Biden negative for COVID-19 after five days of treatment

(Washington) US President Joe Biden has tested negative for COVID-19 twice after five days of confinement and treatment, and can now be released from his isolation, his doctor announced in a letter published on Wednesday by the White House .

Posted at 10:38 a.m.
Updated at 10:45 a.m.

“Last night, and again this morning, he was declared negative,” wrote the Dr Kevin O’Connor, who adds that Joe Biden, “with these reassuring results”, will “end his strict isolation measures”.

The 79-year-old Democratic president tested positive on Thursday July 21 with “very mild symptoms” and has since retired to his White House apartments, continuing his work remotely.

A speech by the president scheduled for 11:30 a.m. was announced immediately after.

Joe Biden “completed his five-day course of Paxlovid (an antiviral drug) 36 hours ago,” said Dr.r O’Connor, adding that he remained “without fever” and that his state of health had “gradually improved and his symptoms (had) almost disappeared”.

The doctor also indicates in his letter that the president, the oldest to hold the reins of power, will wear a mask for the next ten days when he is surrounded and tested more regularly.

Joe Biden is vaccinated against COVID-19 and received two booster doses.

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