Biden apologizes for Trump’s exit from Paris Agreement

US President Joe Biden on Monday apologized to world leaders for the US withdrawal from the Paris Agreement by his predecessor Donald Trump, calling the fight against global warming an “incredible opportunity” for the economy global.

“I guess I shouldn’t apologize, but I apologize for the fact that the United States got out of the Paris Agreement and is putting us behind schedule,” he said.

He stressed that one of the first decisions upon arriving at the White House was to bring his country back into the agreement which aims to limit warming to well below + 2 ° C compared to the pre-industrial era, if possible +1.5 ° C.

Donald Trump assured that this agreement to reduce greenhouse gas emissions destroyed jobs. But not Joe Biden, on the contrary.

“Amid the growing catastrophe, I think there is an incredible opportunity, not just for the United States, but for all of us,” he said, addressing world leaders gathered for a summit. two-day event as part of the major UN climate conference COP26, considered key to containing global warming.

He also promised “action, not words”. “The United States is not only back around the table, but hopefully leading by example.”

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