Biden accuses Republicans of potentially wanting to cut aid to Ukraine

(Philadelphia) Joe Biden lambasted the Republican Party on Thursday evening, accusing it of wanting, in the event of a victory in the legislative elections in November, to potentially reduce American financial support for Ukraine.

Posted at 8:13 p.m.

“They say that if they win, they probably won’t continue to fund Ukraine,” said the American president during a trip to Pennsylvania, a key state for the midterm elections.

“These people don’t understand. It goes beyond Ukraine. It is Eastern Europe. It’s NATO,” the Democratic leader continued, adding that Republicans had “no understanding of American foreign policy.”

The leader of the Republicans in the lower house of Congress, Kevin McCarthy, warned on Tuesday that his party would not sign a “blank check” to Ukraine if it won, as the polls predict, the majority of the seats in the House of Representatives in the November 8 election.

If his party wins, this Californian elected hopes to dethrone Democrat Nancy Pelosi at the head of the House, which would make him the third figure in the American state, after President Joe Biden and Vice-President Kamala Harris. .

Since Russia’s invasion of Ukraine began on February 24, Joe Biden’s government has released $17.6 billion in military aid to Ukraine, with bipartisan agreement in Congress, although some of the Republicans’ right-wing aide protested.

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