Basque singer Fermin Muguruza has been pursuing a career as a committed director for several years. With “Bidasoa 2018-2023”, he returns to the tragedy playing out on this border river between Spain and France. Around ten migrants have died since 2018 while trying to cross the river.
Reading time: 1 min

The documentary Bidasoa 2018-2023 is the result of meticulous work collecting testimonies on the tragedy that has been playing out since 2018, and the closure by France of crossing points along the river, between the Spanish and French Basque countries. Police controls have been reinforced on this natural border to prevent the entry of migrants in transit to the rest of Europe. Seven people died from drowning, three others were hit by a train in Ziburu.
Fermin Muguruza, singer in several ska punk, rock and dub groups, has been pursuing a career as a committed director for several years. His film is broadcast in several cities such as Bayonne, Saint-Jean-de-Luz and Hendaye at the end of the year.
“It’s not the river that kills, it’s migration policy” explains Fermin Muguruza after a screening of his documentary in Guétary. In this film, he gives voice to activists on both sides of the border and also brings back to life those who have died tragically since 2018. Through all the testimonies collected, the activist artist tells a poignant and topical story, which touched those present during the screening.
“Bidasoa 2018-2023”, a documentary on the migration crisis in the Basque Country
“Bidasoa 2018-2023”, a documentary on the migration crisis in the Basque Country – (S. Deschamps / E. Galerne / R. Violet)
The tragedy next to us
Fermin Muguruza is a Basque singer known for his rich musical career and his multiple collaborations, with Manu Chao, Zebda and many others. He is also known for his humanitarian commitment for several years and now for his work as a director. The Basque, who has traveled the world, inevitably feels concerned by the tragedy playing out in his region. “I have made documentaries on Palestine, Jamaica and New Orleans. But now tragedy is unfolding right next to us”.
Bidasoa 2018-2023 is screening this Friday, December 1 at the Atalante cinema in Bayonne at 8:30 p.m., then throughout the month of December in other towns in the Basque Country.