beyond May 1, Nupes seeks “an outlet for the political fight”

After two weeks of potholes, May 1st comes at the right time for the left. Stake: mobilize massively behind the unions to transform Labor Day into a new episode of protest against the pension reform.

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Jean-Luc Mélenchon and LFI elected officials during the demonstration in Marseille (Bouches-du-Rhône) against the pension reform, March 23, 2023 (GILLES BADER / LE PICTORIUM / MAXPPP)

The unions have promised a united and historic May Day. In the ranks of the left, everyone is counting on a parade swollen by opponents of the pension reform, with the representatives of the inter-union in the foreground and, just behind, all the forces of Nupes (which will celebrate its first anniversary ).

>> A 1st of May announced as “historic” against the pension reform: follow our live

After two weeks of parliamentary break and while the “casserolades” have multiplied, “it’s going to be powerful, of great strength, all the constituencies are preparing”, assures franceinfo of a leading rebelliousness. But what about the next day? What will the left do if the inter-union accepts Elisabeth Borne’s invitation to Matignon to talk about the rest? “We must give an outlet to the political fight”insists an LFI deputy.

The idea is to continue the standoff in the Assembly. With, to prepare for it, a seminar on Wednesday May 3: the 150 deputies of Nupes, who are divided on the examination or not of the article on the postponement of the legal age (the famous article 7), will be in the same room. Objective: to prevent the government from turning the page on pensions. A debate will take place on “the repression of the social movement”. On the same day, the Constitutional Council will deliver its opinion on a third request for a shared initiative referendum; finally, the left clings to June 8, date of the examination of a text of the Liot group to repeal the reform.

La Nupes towards an “act 2”

“Act 2 of the Nupes begins in May” : it’s the pavement in the pond launched on YouTube last week by Jean-Luc Mélenchon [à 6’24 dans la vidéo]. A way for the rebellious leader to regain control of the coalition’s agenda, to impose his rhythm.

Everyone within Nupes is calling for a second phase, but not everyone wants the same thing: LFI wants to go further, to unite at the local level, when the leadership of the Communist Party is on the contrary thinking of taking more distance . The four formations (LFI, PCF, PS and EELV) must meet on Tuesday with at the heart of the balance of power of this return, the idea of ​​a common list for Europeans, claimed by LFI, but firmly rejected by environmentalists.

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