Beyoncé almost naked for the cover of her latest album, she gives herself up

sex symbol

But this is not the first time, far from it, that the American diva has opted for a very sexy and bare outfit, thus fully assuming her status as a femme fatale. Last March, she had raised the temperature by revealing on her social networks the very sensual dress she had worn during the post-Oscars party organized by her husband Jay-Z. She was attracting all eyes.

But always being on top requires a lot of effort! She had explained last year, during an interview with the magazine Harper’s Bazaar USHave pass “too much time dieting in his career and now want to fight for a healthier life and maintain good health. Note that in parallel with this star life, Beyonce must also take care of her children: Blue Ivy, 10 years old (who is her spitting image) as well as her 5-year-old twins, Rumi and Sir.

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