‘bewitched’ man stands trial for murdering his wife with an ax

A resident of Lassay-les-Châteaux, originally from Congo, appears this Monday, February 28 for the murder of his wife. He admitted to having axed her to death at their home after a domestic dispute.

This Sunday, May 26, 2019, the gendarmes are called at 5 a.m. by a distraught man who said he lost his mind and killed his wife, using a hatchet taken from the kitchen. On the phone with the emergency services, he repeats that she no longer wanted him. ” It’s on a loop to repeat that he has lost his mind “, explains at the bar the gendarme of the research brigade in charge of the investigation.

“Is murder with an ax something common? »

The gendarmes of Mayenne discover the body of the victim in his bed. The 64-year-old woman is lying on her back on her left side, lined with a sheet and blanket. ” Looks like she’s sleeping said the constable. The blood splashes are impressive, details the director of investigation. There’s some on the bed, ” the pillow is completely soaked and down to the ground, he describes. A hatchet with a 10 cm blade is found on the ground.

Forensic pathologists report 16 face and head wounds and six on the victim’s left hand. ” Wounds very evocative of defense “, Details the medical examiner at the helm. He adds that the victim was conscious at the time of the incident but that she died 30 seconds after “.

You’ve been an expert for 15 years, is ax murder something common? “Asks the prosecutor of the Republic of Laval, Céline Maigné. ” It’s my first “replies the medical examiner.

“A Satanic Spirit”

Placed in police custody after the fact, the man admits having killed his wife but having inflicted only three blows on her. He says he argued with her, about their autistic son. She would have called him crazy and would have blamed him for always complaining. ” She would have refused to serve at the table and the accused would have taken it as an act of rebellion “says the investigator. During his first hearing, he explains to the investigators that they went to bed around midnight and then he woke up. ” At 4:30 a.m., he gets up to retrieve the hatchet in the kitchen which is used to prepare beef trotterssays the policeman. He knew full well how it was going to end. »

The accused also refers to ” filthy thoughts, of a satanic spirit. He feels bewitched “, adds the gendarme at the bar. “_He explains that when his family doctor can’t find the pathologies from which he suffers, he tells him that_he is the victim of a spell. »

Several witnesses are expected at the bar on Monday, including the couple’s children and the accused’s father and uncle. The hearing continues until the next day on Tuesday March 1 with the interrogation of the personality of the accused, the expertise of the psychiatrist and psychologist.

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