beware of these three false information circulating on the vaccination pass

While the bill to transform the health pass into a vaccine pass has been under consideration since Monday, January 3 in the National Assembly, several posts on social networks convey false information on this subject. We are checking three of this false information.

1An official document to report an unvaccinated individual

“The form is already ready for the end of January, a mole at the ministry sent it to me, please run as much as possible.“This message is accompanied by a photo of a document from”request to report an unvaccinated individual“flocked with the logo of the French Republic. It is the lawyer and the president of the Reaction19 collective, Carlo Alberto Brusa, who made this document popular by sharing it at the end of December. Since then it has racked up over 2,000 retweets and continues to be shared.

It’s wrong. First of all, we did not find any official document making it possible to report unvaccinated individuals. Then the document contains inconsistencies. There is, for example, a cerfa logo indicating that it would be a regulated administrative form. An official printout fixed by decree. The cerfa is made up of a five-digit number followed by a two-digit number. On several publications which also circulate on facebook one can clearly read the cerfa number indicated: 14637-10. By searching on official government sites, nothing is found corresponding to this number. Finally, by looking for the origin of this document, we go back to last December 19, in a parody Facebook group called “National file for reporting non-vaccinated (3rd dose)“. On December 29, the creator of the visual confirmed to AFP that it is indeed a parody group and that he created this montage for”laugh at all the antivax shortcuts with Vichy and the Third Reich. “

2The bill allows the “placement” of the unvaccinated

“Urgent: Castex tables a bill authorizing the ‘placement’ of the unvaccinated.” This is the title found on several sites and blogs, clearly opposed to the health policy currently in place in France, which have been widely shared on social networks since the end of December. We read that “the placement “of the unvaccinated, in other words their forced installation in a place which would not be their domicile, is part of the measures provided for by the bill number 3714 establishing a long-lasting system of management of health emergencies“.

It’s wrong. First, at the time of these publications, on December 24, the official bill had not yet been published. Indeed, the text which aims to strengthen the tools for managing the health crisis was tabled in the National Assembly on December 27, 2021 and bears the number 4857 and not 3714. Then it is clearly indicated that this text actually dates from December 21, 2020. In this bill, the vaccination obligation proposed by the government to go to certain establishments or to carry out certain activities had finally been abandoned. Finally, there is never any mention in this 2020 bill that unvaccinated people would be forcibly placed in “a place that would not be their home“.

3The European Union has already planned the vaccination pass

“Revelation on the vaccination pass planned by the European Commission from 2019, before the pandemic.“This is what Jean-Luc Mélenchon, deputy for rebellious France posted, on December 24 on Facebook. The text is accompanied by an intervention on BFM TV by Sophia Chikirou, regional councilor of Ile-de- France (LFI), from January 2021 where she says she found a working document from the European Commission which dates from March 2019 “which is working on the idea of ​​a European Community vaccination passport.“She adds that she”just thinks that this idea of ​​this vaccine passport hides things“specifying that it is not conspiratorial so far. The video has since been widely shared on Facebook and now has more than 600,000 views.

It’s wrong. Already in February 2020, AFP had investigated this case when this information was initially revealed in the video “Hold-up”. The European Commission has worked well from 2018 on a “common vaccination card”, but there was no question of setting up a passport with compulsory vaccination for travel. The European Commission wanted to harmonize the vaccination programs of the member countries of the European Union in order to fight against the resurgence of certain diseases, such as measles. Adina Revol, spokesperson in France for the European Commission, specifies to franceinfo, that “The main goal of this project, of this European vaccination record, is to facilitate the understanding of the vaccination schedule. The other objective is the continuation of the vaccination schedule from one country to another “.

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