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People using moth and lice repellents should be extra vigilant. 70% of these products represent a health risk, according to a survey by the association “60 million consumers”.
At home, engaging in chemical warfare against small undesirables, such as moths, lice or mosquitoes, can be more dangerous than ever. Seven out of ten over-the-counter products appraised by 60 million consumers contain substances toxic to humans or pets. A risk for users, who do not read labels most of the time.
The hormonal system directly affected
“The main problem is a substance called pyrethroids, which are found against almost all harmful insects. They act against the hormonal system (…) and have a potential endocrine disrupting effect”explains Sophie Coisne, editor-in-chief of 60 million consumers. She recommends using sprays, which only affect a specific area of the house, while aerosols are only to be used with the window open.