Beware of depression, especially in Hauts-de-France

This article is over three years old.


Video length: 1 min.

France 2

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Grayness, fatigue … This Monday, January 15 is the most depressing day of the year.

Monday is declared the most depressing day of the year. Concept launched in 2005 by a British travel agency, supporting mathematical formula. A formula that is hardly understandable, even far-fetched, by the very admission of its author, an academic commissioned and paid by the tour operator to set this very sad date. This January 15 would combine all the factors of gloom: a Monday, the day back to work, after the holidays at a time when there are debts to repay and when the good resolutions of the new year are starting to give way. The pay is still far, the next vacation too and winter is in full swing.

The weather is particularly capricious. Cold, wind, rain and lack of light, especially in Hauts-de-France, where the local press wonders: Is the sun dead? With only 1h42 of sunshine since the start of the year, the region could break the record for the lowest number of hours of sunshine on record since the post-war period.

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