between Yann Barthes and Cyril Hanouna, she made her choice!

Yann Barthes one, Cyril Hanouna zero. The Daily presenter has just won a battle against his rival from TPMP. Indeed, since the launch of the new season of the star AcademyBaba has always received the outgoing candidates of the tele-hook of TF1. Whether it’s Julien, Stan, or even Amisse. However, when it comes to the winner of the show, the first channel prefers to offer “its” candidate to a channel in the group, such as TMCand that can be understood.

Indeed, the @FabiShow account announced the news on Twitter this Monday, November 28. “Tonight in #Daily the long-awaited meeting: The big winner Anisha and Yann Barthes, it promises #StarAcademy #StarAcademyleLive #StarAcademyLive”, explained the account. It remains to be seen whether all the subjects will be discussed in Daily. Indeed, in addition to her victory, Anisha has been highly talked about for a slight controversy.

Will the wet hair controversy be raised?

During his passage to the last prime of the star Academy, with Soprano, this one was soaked from head to toe because of a painting imagined by Yanis Marshall. A few seconds after her performance, the young woman reappeared, however, all dry, to sing again with Michel Polnareff. A situation that did not fail to react on the Web. Internet users have indeed accused the winner of having recorded her performance and not having performed it live.

What the main concerned answered, and defended herself, with our colleagues from Tele-Leisure : “For ten minutes there were at least three people on my hair to dry and curl. It was work that even I thought was unimaginable and yet it was […] It was crazy”. It remains to be seen whether this was enough to calm the haters.

See also: Michael Goldman: Jean-Jacques’ son finds himself in a huge controversy since the broadcast of last night’s bonus from “Star Ac”!


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