between solidarity and system D, young people who fled Russia organize themselves on the Telegram application

Leaving, leaving everything, in 24 hours. To understand the importance of solidarity between young Russian emigrants, just listen to Julie who recounts, in tears, how she and her husband left everything overnight. The young woman, who has just married, made her decision when she heard Vladimir Putin’s speech calling for the partial mobilization of the population. “I didn’t really want to leave. I had my friends in Russia, my family… but Putin made it impossible for me to stay, I had to leave without knowing if one day I could come back”, she continues.

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A forced and painful departure, especially since his decision was not necessarily understood by his family, who remain fascinated by Vladimir Putin and his propaganda. “There are people who understand, including my friends and people my age. But people who are my parents’ age, it’s like they’re hypnotized, you can’t even talk to them. television keeps lying and over and over again… And they continue to believe it“, says the young woman.

This is how Julie was able to flee to Finland with Nicolai, her husband, intending to go to Portugal. A forced exodus and an experience that the couple intends to share with their fellow citizens. Hence the creation of “Remotecate”, a self-help discussion found on the Telegram application. This project is to help Russians, Belarusians and Ukrainians find work abroad, explains the young man. They can find a job there, with companies that undertake to pay for the trip, but also to pay the salaries in euros. There are also practical tips for leaving Russia, such as buying a ticket, or even finding accommodation…”he explains.

And the success is there: “Remotecate” already has 70,000 subscribers, Nicolaï plans to make its platform even more visible by transforming it into a website.

source site-29
