Between “mega” and “mini” projects

This text is addressed to the management of Hydro-Québec.

I am, like some other people, extremely concerned about the future of what we call “environment” and which also includes us, humans.

I read, listen and watch all the information related to it, from near or far. I hear the speeches of our political leaders. We are told, on the one hand, about rationalizing our energy expenditure (doing laundry at night for example) and, on the other hand, about the fact that our state company will not have the choice to increase its production electricity to meet the growing needs of a growing population (and industry). Naturally, this energy will have to be transported to where it is needed: in “Greater Montreal”.

To do this, we will have no other choice than to cross the province, from north to south, and from east to west. We will of course have to pass through fields and forests, but in any case, we are already a long way from the place where Adam and Eve bit the apple, as we were kindly reminded.

I ask myself a question: while Hydro-Québec urges us to do our part, for example by reducing the heating of our poorly insulated homes, why not promote (supporting subsidies?) private domestic installations , like mini wind turbines and solar panels? Of course, not everyone could benefit from them, and the electricity produced could not entirely suffice for the needs of households, but these installations could be an important addition and an extremely useful support in situations of extreme cold or heat, or in cases of breakdowns causing major equipment breakdown, as we have experienced more and more frequently in recent years, all regions combined.

Why are the only projects that we put forward necessarily “mega” and only concern private enterprise and, by extension, the collection of additional taxes by our governments? Why can’t the citizens who are asked to contribute do so by producing part of the energy they use? Why does the “green” speech of our leaders change color depending on the financial harvest seasons?

I appeal to the honesty and goodwill of the leaders of the only state-owned company we have to meet the energy needs of today and a tomorrow about which we know enough to act, and quickly.

To watch on video

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