between Marine Le Pen and her father, there are “a thousand differences”, she assures

Background, age and experience: the candidate for the 2022 presidential election Marine Le Pen listed the differences between her and her father this Monday, in the program “Ma France” on France Bleu.

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Between Marine Le Pen and her father, Jean-Marie Le Pen, there is “a thousand differences”assured the candidate of the National Rally (RN) for the presidential election, this Monday in the program “Ma France”, on France Bleu. “We are not the same age, we have not had the same journey, we have not experienced the same thing” and “he’s a man, I’m a woman”she listed.

“When I say ‘we don’t have the same background’, it’s because in reality he was the president of a movement [le Front national, ancêtre du Rassemblement national] which is first a protest movement, then an opposition movement”she detailed. “Me, I was for ten years the president of a movement of government [le RN]I organized, if you want the work of my teams so that we can arrive and implement our ideas”she said.

“There are as many differences of vision, if you will, between me and my father, as there must be between you and yours, in reality”, she insisted, in response to a listener’s question. This Thursday, April 21 will mark the 20th anniversary of the qualification of Jean-Marie Le Pen, then candidate of the National Front, in the second round of the presidential election, to everyone’s surprise, against Jacques Chirac.

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