between her convictions and her audience, the famous singer has decided!

Zaz continues to amaze his admirers with his musical universe. Born hard worker and versatile artist, the interpreter of “I want” has never ceased to renew herself in her art. But after having chained the projects, the star wanted to move away from the spotlight to find himself better. For three years, Zaz had to deal with countless twists and turns in her life. Like thousands of citizens, the pandemic has also impacted their daily lives.

“I did a three-day fast because I caught the Covid. I remember I was taking a hit on a cigarette and I felt like I was going to die. I said to myself: “Okay, there, we have to do something. “For three days, I drank only water”, confessed Zaz for le “ I took the opportunity to stop drinking, smoking, eating animals, I also stopped coffee… I really changed my daily life and experienced something else […] There were very personal events, so it brought up a lot of things. »

As she returned to touring to find her audience, Zaz took to her social networks – this Friday, September 9 – to share a choice she had to make. Expected in Quebec, the singer will have to postpone her comeback to the chagrin of her fans. “I announce with great sadness that I could not come and honor my concerts scheduled for September due to the health measures still applicable in Canada”Zaz lamented in his Instagram post.

Unvarnished, the main interested party explains that she made the choice not to “vaccinate”. A decision that undermines the general organization of its shows. “I might be disappointed for sure, but I know that many will understand me. It is very hard for me and we have made every effort to obtain permission to enter your country so close to ours”, underlined the young woman and to underline not without bitterness: “I hope that the health situation will evolve quickly and that I could finally come and share all this joy that springs when I am among you. […] “. A cry from the heart that left no one indifferent!


to see also: Coronavirus: BTS, the Korean boy band has disappeared!

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