Video length: 2 min
Joe Biden in Paris: between France and the United States, “a friendship that began with the First World War”, recalls historian Frédéric Guelton
Joe Biden in Paris: between France and the United States, “a friendship that began with the First World War”, recalls historian Frédéric Guelton
Emmanuel Macron and Joe Biden display their friendship during the American president’s welcoming ceremony in Paris, Saturday June 8. Analysis, on the 12/13 info set, by André Kaspi, historian specializing in the United States, and Frédéric Guelton, colonel and historian.
“It is already a strong symbol to go down the Champs-Elysées, it recalls in particular the descent of the Champs-Elysées by General de Gaulle on August 26, 1944”comments André Kaspi, historian specializing in the United States, who sees “a way to bring the United States and France even closer together”. The presidents will be accompanied by the Republican Guard. “That means that basically, it is a particular signal to show the friendship between the two countries, which does not exclude that there could be political differences”adds the specialist.
Colonel and historian Frédéric Guelton, for his part, emphasizes that “choosing to rekindle the flame of the unknown soldier is very symbolic” since it marks, he recalls, “a friendship that began with the First World War”. “This is the link also made between today, a few days ago, the commemorations of the [Seconde] World War, and with this unknown soldier the commemorations of the First World War. So it’s a link that now spans more than a century.”specifies the colonel.