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The national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, Julien Bayou, was the guest of the “4 Truths” of France 2, Friday April 29 in the morning. In particular, he returned to the discussions currently underway with LFI, with a view to the Legislative elections.
Julien Bayou, national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, was invited to the “4 Truths” set of France 2, Friday April 29 in the morning. A few weeks before the 2022 legislative elections, EELV is currently in the midst of negotiations, in particular with La France insoumise by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Will this lead to an agreement? “Yes I hope”assured Julien Bayou.
“We really have to learn the lessons of what happened on April 24: Emmanuel Macron was re-elected, but we cannot condemn ourselves to five years of climate inaction, five years of social damage”estimated the national secretary of Europe Ecology-The Greens, and to add: “It’s really people’s lives that are at stake in these negotiations. We want to send the greatest number of ecologist, communist, socialist, rebellious deputies to the Assembly and perhaps snatch an alternative majority. That’s it the challenge !” Asked about the progress of negotiations with LFI, Julien Bayou indicated that today, “the deal is in sight”.