Between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, a two-speed campaign


Video length: 2 min

US presidential election: between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, a two-speed campaign
At the Republican convention on Monday, July 15, Donald Trump took the stage with a bandage on his ear and his fist raised. Facing him, current President Joe Biden, sometimes hesitant in interviews, struggles to compete.
(France 2)

At the Republican convention on Monday, July 15, Donald Trump took the stage with a bandage on his ear and his fist raised. Facing him, current President Joe Biden, sometimes hesitant in interviews, struggles to compete.

He arrives with his fist raised, his face serious, a bandage on his right ear. Donald Trump was already the hero of Republican activists. He was cheered by the galvanized crowd at the Milwaukee convention like a miracle worker on Monday, July 15. Many have taken up his raised fist, his gesture of defiance. Far from his usual outrageousness, the candidate claims in his press releases that he has changed. He now positions himself as a rallying figure.

The Republican camp knows that this assassination attempt opens up a boulevard for it. His new running mate, JD Vance, is already riding the wave by relaunching attacks on Joe Biden. The position is uncomfortable for the current president, forced to keep a low profile. He was forced to suspend his anti-Trump televised slogans and apologize. In early July, he had called for “target” his opponent. “It was a mistake to use that word”he conceded. The only positive point for Joe Biden since the shock of the attack is that he has enjoyed some respite from doubts about his age and his ability to govern.

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