Between blues and hopes, what becomes of the former ministers of the Castex government?

Some are reunited with their families, others are pounding the pavement for the legislative elections… The former ministers, a week after the composition of the new government, are at a crossroads in their lives.

>> Follow the news of the legislative elections and the new government

Let’s start with those who continue to live at a mile an hour: they are a little less than ten to campaign for the legislative elections with always the colors of the majority. This is the case of the former ministers of National Education Jean-Michel Blanquer, of Sports, Roxana Maracineanu, or even of Ecological Transition, Barbara Pompili. All want to somehow transform the essay and continue to invest in politics … but in the ranks of the National Assembly.

Others slow down in politics and have more personal projects. Like the one we have talked about a lot: Jean-Baptiste Djebarri. The Minister of Transport who will join the board of directors of Hopium, which specializes in hydrogen cars, was prevented from joining the shipowner CMA-CMG.

those who take the time

A brake which also allows some to breathe, like the former Minister of Agriculture, Julien Denormandie. He thus entrusts to franceinfo to take advantage of his four young children, before starting in the coming weeks to look at the side of entrepreneurship, in the environment, health or education. This very close to Emmanuel Macron still keeps the link with the president, but refuses to tell us if he will continue to advise him.

Others, like the former Minister of Culture Roselyne Bachelot has three books to write: she is “much in demand” according to his entourage for projects, especially in the media, but will not be done “before september“.

And then there are certain ministers who prefer to remain silent. Jean-Yves Le Drian, 74, for example, remains very secretive about what happens next. Get out of government”must have been hard on him“explains one of his relatives to franceinfo, after ten years in power, in recent years at the Quai d’Orsay. He has returned home to Brittany,”retrieve“, assures us a friend who does not see him doing anything other than politics.

Another Castex government personality, Marlène Schiappa has been absent from the media for weeks. According to our information, she is waiting to see who will complete the government next July, hoping, as you have understood, to be part of it.

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