“A third of the herds are affected on the island, there are nearly a hundred outbreaks with a predominance in Haute-Corse compared to Corse-du-Sud”, laments, Thursday on France Bleu RCFM, Elodie Durizi, president of the ILOCC and breeder in Pianiccia.
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“Between 3,000 and 5,000 animals have already died” to bluetongue according to the ILOCC (the Corsican Sheep and Caprine Dairy Interprofession), reports France Bleu RCFM, Thursday September 5.
“A third of the herds are affected on the island, there are nearly a hundred outbreaks with a predominance in Haute-Corse compared to Corse-du-Sud”deplores Elodie Durizi, president of ILOCC and breeder in Pianiccia, who also warns of the increased risks weighing on the sector.
“Compared with the months of June, July and August 2023, the current report for the same period this year shows 1,256 more dead sheep,” because of the disease, adds Elodie Durizi, who is basing her analysis on figures provided by the knacker’s yard.
“We must continue vaccination because it is the only way we have to protect our herds.”
Elodie Durizi, president of ILOCC and breeder in Pianicciato France Bleu RCFM
She points out that the purchase of vaccines is reimbursed by the Corsican Agricultural and Rural Development Office (Odarc) upon presentation of the corresponding invoice.
As of September 5, 58,850 animals have been vaccinated in Corsica out of a total herd of 80,000, including 70,000 dairy ewes, a figure still far from the ideal coverage rate of between 80 and 85% to stop the spread of the virus.