between 2017 and 2022 Marine Le Pen is gaining ground in the Alpes Maritimes

Emmanuel Macron is re-elected President of the Republic with 58% of the vote. In the Alpes-Maritimes department, the score is much tighter because the outgoing president obtains only 50.13% against 49.87% for Martine Le Pen. There is 27.89% abstention. In 2017, Emmanuel Macron gathered 55.35% of the vote and Marine Le Pen 44.65%.

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It is also Emmanuel Macron who comes first with 55.39% and 44% for Marine Le Pen. The outgoing president is losing ground compared to 2017 when he collected 60.15% of the votes against 39.85% for Le Pen.

52.6% of voters voted for Emmanuel Macron and 47.3% for Marine Le Pen. In 2017, the outgoing president gathered 57.80% of voters against 42.20% for his competitor.

Emmanuel Macron is still in the lead with 54% of the vote. In 2017, it was 59.3% against 42.20 for Marine Le Pen.

Cagnes sur Mer is one of the cities of the Alpes Maritimes won by the RN. 51% of the votes go to Marine Le Pen against 47.9% in 2017.

The National Rally consolidates its base. Already came first in 2017 with 52.65% of the vote, in 2022 it reaches 57%.

The still Marine Le Pen had already come out on top in 2017, with 51.23% of the vote. It further consolidates its position of strength. In 2022, 56% of the votes go to him.

Largely dominated by Emmanuel Macron in 2017 with 56.9% for the LREM candidate and 43.05% for Marine Le Pen. In 2022, the outgoing president is losing ground and is still in the lead, but with only 50.9% of the vote.

In this former stronghold of the left, the RN is gaining more and more space. In 2017 it was 59% and in 2022 it drops to 62.11%.

  • Saint Martin de Vésubie:

In the stronghold of Eric Ciotti, the RN vote is increasingly strong over the presidential elections. In 2017 it gathered 52% of the votes. In 2022, it increases to 59%.

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