Several environmental associations have been fighting for several months against the A69 motorway project between Castres and Toulouse.
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Opponents of the A69 mobilized on Sunday April 21 in Toulouse, reports France Bleu Occitanie. According to the organizers, 5,000 people responded, 1,550 people according to the prefecture. The Occitanie prefecture has not yet communicated figures. More than two months after their last gathering at Place du Capitole in Toulouse, the opponents met at the beginning of the afternoon at the top of the Allées Jean Jaurès to then arrive in front of the courthouse.
On site, around ten collectives, left-wing parties and associations took part in the demonstration. There is in particular the National Tree Surveillance Group and The Way is Clear. Three environmental associations: Eau Secours 31, France Nature environment Occitanie-Pyrénées and Friends of the Earth Midi-Pyrénées are also participating in this Sunday’s procession, after having filed a complaint this week against the A69 concessionaire for pollution of the water caused according to them by the construction site.
Among those present in the procession, CycloRetour activists who completed their journey at midday. These cyclists have covered 67 km between Castres and Toulouse since April 13 to promote an alternative to the A69. Behind this idea, the La Voie Est Libre collective.
Sunday’s demonstration was not banned by the Haute-Garonne prefecture. The police indicated at the end of the day on Sunday that there was no damage, only a few tags. As a reminder, the A69 motorway project between Castres and Toulouse is not unanimous. Several environmental associations have been fighting against this project for several months. In the Tarn, some activists have even settled in Saïx, at a place called Crémade, in the trees of the ZAD.