Better than on Broadway | The Journal of Montreal

Were you planning on visiting Broadway this summer? It may not be necessary. Because Just for Laughs offers a Quebec version of the musical Anne which has nothing to envy to the one that has long made the crowds run in New York. Far from it, even.

• Read also: Musical Annie: A Popular Red Carpet

Let’s face it from the start: the bar was high for this Anne which marks the return of Just for Laughs summer musicals, after a shutdown forced by the pandemic. And before that? Serge Postigo – let’s not be afraid of words – revolutionized the genre in Quebec with his Mary Poppins and others Mama Mia!between 2016 and 2019.


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

In short, a new director with equivalent genius had to be found. And Just for Laughs hit the nail on the head by appointing Serge Denoncourt as a worthy successor.

Because the Anne which is installed at the Théâtre St-Denis until the end of the month is irreproachable. Effervescent, sparkling, modern and devilishly entertaining, this musical is received like a great breath of fresh air and good humor.


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

Perfect mastery

By signing both the staging, the translation of the libretto and that of the lyrics (the latter role is shared with Manuel Tadros), Serge Denoncourt demonstrates in an indisputable way that he has the knowledge and skills to handle the codes of Broadway. , which he takes here to the next level. But if the form is elevated here, the content, meanwhile, remains the same.

We therefore find the famous red-haired orphan, retained in a New York orphanage since her parents abandoned her there, shortly after her birth. Shunned by the establishment’s infamous manager, Annie sees her way out in the person of Oliver Warbucks, a wealthy businessman with whom she spends the holidays. But the path to freedom will be strewn with pitfalls.


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

The plot, many of us know the detours, it has been the subject of countless film and television adaptations over the years. But it is a new look that we are now taking, the initial work of 1977 being dusted off and brought up to date by the care of Serge Denoncourt, of course, but also thanks to the choreographer Wynn Holmes.

Because if the show transports us to the heart of New York in the 1930s, Anne today shows no fine lines or signs of fatigue. This is evidenced, among other things, by the opulence of the costumes and sets and an inventive staging. Rotating backdrops allow a fluid transition between scenes, transporting the plot from the orphanage to the alleys or even to the sumptuous Warbucks mansion in a jiffy and, above all, without downtime.


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

A star Is Born

But if Anne works so well, thanks in large part to Kayla Tucker, who dons the legendary character’s curly redhead wig. As much by her charisma as by her glibness and her vocal prowess, the young Quebecer is very likely to carve out a place of choice on our stages, or even abroad.


Photo QMI Agency, Joël Lemay

It must be said that she is particularly well surrounded, flanked by the deliciously detestable Geneviève Alarie (Miss Hannigan), the surprising David Savard (Oliver Warbucks), the efficient Émily Bégin (Lily St-Régis) or the impeccable Veronique Claveau (Grace Farrell).

But we would be remiss if we did not highlight the presence of Kevin Houle, who is frankly impressive in the role of Rooster. The actor perfectly embodies what is called in the industry the triple threatexcelling in his game, in singing as well as in dancing.

Musical comedy Anne is presented at the Théâtre St-Denis until July 31. It will then move to the Salle Albert-Rousseau as of August 12.

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