better pay for night work, bonus for private doctors… Elisabeth Borne presents the government’s plan against the emergency crisis

The head of government said to retain “all the proposals” of the “flash mission” entrusted to the boss of Samu-Urgences de France.

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How to respond to the crisis that threatens emergency services this summer? Traveling to the Pontoise hospital center (Val-d’Oise), Friday July 1, the Prime Minister announced that the government would retain “all proposals” of the “flash mission” entrusted at the beginning of June to the boss of the Samu-Emergencies of France. It recommended 41 measures to unclog hospitals this summer.

Among these “short-term responses”Elisabeth Borne notably confirmed a “compensation supplement” for the night work of carers, as well as a bonus of 15 euros per consultation “to encourage doctors [libéraux] taking people into unscheduled care”.

The Head of Government also announced that she would like “improve the orientation and information of patients”who must “to have the reflex of 15 [numéro du Samu] and not always come to the emergency room”. Another part of the plan concerns the possibility of “to mobilize more easily” retired doctors, as well as the development of teleconsultation.

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