Best result for Chloé Dufour-Lapointe

MONT-TREMBLANT | Chloé Dufour-Lapointe obtained her best result since the start of the season and believes more than ever in her chances of earning her pass to the Olympic Games.

Dufour-Lapointe finished in 8e instead, she who still has hopes of reaching the super final and breaking through the top 6.

“I feel really good and my ski is improving,” she said. It was a pleasant week at Tremblant where I pushed my limits. This is what I need to qualify for the Games. In my head, I’ll be there. “

Dufour believes that she is mastering her cork better and better, jumping with a higher difficulty coefficient than she has added to her arsenal. “In all the races and regardless of the conditions, I did my cork and it paid off at Tremblant,” she explained. I am more able to let go and I know what to do to improve it. I have walked up a step this week and want to keep going up. My performance gives me confidence. “

Proud of her sister

Justine is delighted with the recent performances of her sister. “Chloe’s performances give me energy,” she said. There might be two of us at the Olympics, and that would be a big gift. It’s one thing to compete in the Games alone, but it’s quite special to do it together. I am happy and proud of her performances and I feel that she will be going to the Games with me. “

Also qualified for the final for a second consecutive day, Justine took the 11e rank. “I achieved my goal of having a flawless downhill run, but I have to let go and trust myself,” she explained. I want to do the perfect descent so badly in order to please the judges, that I hold back. I have to free myself. After the perfect descent I need a wow descent. “

Despite his 11e Instead, Justine claims to have delivered the best performance of her career at Tremblant. “I never expected to pull a cork at the top of the course; land full Leon and make jumps by touching (grab) my skis. There has been a big development in my skiing and I am proud of it. “

“For eight years, I did 360 degrees and back flips,” continues Justine. It was a big challenge. I don’t have the desired results, but I feel like I’m moving towards my goal of reaching the podium and that’s what motivates me. “

Baptism of the World Cup

After having experienced his baptism of the World Cup on Friday, Alexandre Lavoie came very close to reaching the final bringing together the first 16.

“In my second career World Cup, it hurts to come so close to qualifying for the final,” he said. I was leaving at 50e rank (out of 53) and it was not easy. Several people told me that I would have reached the final if I had started in the top 20. “

Bored with knee and leg injuries over the past two years, Turcotte has not had an easy journey. “I had an incredible journey and I had to qualify on Friday to participate in today’s race,” he said. It was not easy to get here. “

Second final

Upon his return to competition at Tremblant, Laurent Dumais offered himself a second participation in the final, finishing in 14e position.

“Making the final twice at Tremblant gives me a boost for the Olympic selections and reassures me. It shows that I haven’t lost too many since the World Cup last year and that we made the right decision to miss the start of the season. “

After posting his career best solo performance on Friday with a 10e instead, Gabriel Dufresne was unable to reach the final this time. He finished in 28e position.

“I pushed the machine a little more in the hope of finishing in the top 8 of qualifying, but I experienced imbalances which cost me extremely dearly,” he said. I made a mistake that I hadn’t made in the past four days and that’s what’s frustrating. “

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