Bertrand Chameroy tackles a famous live host

After having cut his teeth within the Canal + group and thus having been a columnist in “Touche pas à mon poste”, Bertrand Chameroy now flourishes at France Télévisions. Columnist for the show “C à vous” on France 5 alongside Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, the former little protege of Cyril Hanouna can now boast of having his own show on the channel!

Since December 19, the 33-year-old columnist has indeed presented “The ABC: the year of Bertrand Chameroy”, a program with on the menu, games, strong sequences that have marked the year which has just passed. and some interviews.

Bertrand Chameroy knocks out Jean-Marc Morandini
In his show on Thursday January 5, 2023, Bertrand Chameroy did not hesitate to explain how Jean-Marc Morandini, who officiates on CNews, is inspired a little too much by the BFMTV channel. “Jean-Marc Morandini who is, because it’s the beginning of the year, we can understand it, is not super savvy in terms of papal funerals, either was very lazy to work, or both! Fortunately, the day before , the BFM site had published a complete article on the subject, written by Jules Fresard on the course of the funeral and therefore what did Jean-Marc do? He went to the BFM site, he clicked on copy, he clicked on paste, he clicked on print, he went on air and he read the work of others…” he scoffed.

Bertrand Chameroy concluded his tirade by saying with irony: “He still took care to place the verbs of the future in the present since today was therefore a point for the effort… So like what the media is also a good environment since there was the first collab between CNews and BFM, and that’s nice to see!”.


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