Bernard Tapie: His wife Dominique ruined… his children too!

After being confronted with the illness and loss of patriarch Bernard Tapie in October, Dominique Tapie, the widow, and the businessman’s four children, Sophie, Nathalie, Laurent and Stéphane, face the debts that he left them. And the sum is colossal.

Journalist Sophie des Déserts conducted the investigation to Paris Match and unveils the cover and the result this Thursday, February 10 in the show It’s yours. In total, it is 600 million euros that Dominique Tapie finds himself having to repay. And the real estate heritage, the boat and private jet change almost nothing. These assets seized by the courts can only repay half of the overall debt. Dominique Tapie must face mourning and now financial difficulties. Without forgetting the fairly immediate move – at the end of February – which she had not planned. Without telling him, Bernard Tapie had sold the mansion on rue des Saint-Pères to François Pinault to make a first repayment. 80 million euros were thus returned but under conditions: the couple had six months to leave the premises. It is finally alone that Dominique Tapie must find a place to stay before the end of February.

In 2008, Bernard Tapie had however taken his head above water. The former director of Olympique de Marseille had won his case in the Adidas-Credit Lyonnais case. The Paris Court of Appeal had condemned the Consortium of realization to pay 400 million euros to Bernard Tapie. A godsend for the couple who then invested in the stone. The former deputy allows himself madness and “flames“. He also acquired a mansion in Neuilly so that Dominique could be “calm“. In vain.

In 2011, investigations began to establish the contours of the arbitration award granted in 2008 by Christine Lagarde, Minister of the Economy. Two years later, Bernard Tapie was indicted and ordered to reimburse the 400 million that had been paid to him. By bowing out on October 3 after a fierce fight against cancer, Bernard Tapie has certainly freed himself from legal proceedings but not from this debt that his wife Dominique must manage alone. Even the children cannot help him, some being in financial difficulty, others earning their living but not as much as Bernard Tapie did. A hard blow for the widow, in love with animals, who even finds herself forced to abandon the faithful companions that she and her husband adored so much…

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