Historian, novelist and journalist born in Morbihan in Hennebont, Bernard Rio lives in Lanvaudan (56). This fine connoisseur of sacred art, legends, Breton heritage but also the environment is the author of more than 50 books including the famous “The Book of Breton Saints” or “Journey to the Beyond”. who received in 2014, the history prize of the Literary Academy of Brittany and Pays de la Loire. He directs the publication of his latest book “Les Portes du Sacré” with 3 scientists, which has just been published by Ar Gedour. 500 pages and many photos to plunge into the minds of the builders.
With Loïc-Pierre Garraud (architecture and history of places), Alain Perrot (geology, geobiology, telluric forces) and Jean-François Le Roux (orientation and astronomical readings of sunrise and sunset), Bernard Rio invites us to a different approach. which also invokes the course of the sun, the quality of the soil on which the chapels are built, in order to better understand the sacred geography of Breton buildings from the 9th to the 18th century and offers us a symbolic reading (also calling on the 4 elements earth, water , air and fire). Among the builders of ancient sacred buildings, nothing is left to chance by the architects, the church is the place between heaven and earth!
– Ar Gedour
“The Doors of the Sacred” answers these amazing questions: why are there sometimes up to 6 entrance doors in a church? Why do several springs intersect under a chapel and supply the fountains dedicated to the saints? Why are the baptismal fonts placed to the northwest of the sanctuaries, at the entrance to the churches on the left? What are the wells of souls, the blessed hammers, the fertility rites that gravitate around these religious places?
28 chapels, churches, cathedrals of the five Breton departments are also highlighted with plans and photos illuminating orientation, location, geobiology, local ritual and local founding legend, as at La Chapelle des Sept-Saints in Vieux-Marché (22) at the priory Saint-Jean de Béré in Châteaubriant (44) at Saint-They church in Cleden cap-Sizun (29), at Saint-Samson cathedral in Dol-de-Bretagne (35) or at Sainte-Barbe chapel in Faouet (56).
“Les Portes du Sacré” is on sale exclusively at “Ar Gedour” until October 31, then in bookstores from November 1, 2022. Bernard Rio is Wednesday October 26 in a signature conference at 6 p.m. reindeer. Friday, October 28 in conference-signatures at 8 p.m. at Espace Saint-Louis in Lorient. Saturday October 29 at the Carhaix book fair from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Ar Gedour stand. Saturday, October 29 in conference-signatures at 6 p.m. at the Le Marque-Page bookstore in Quintin. Sunday, October 30 in a signature meeting at the Carhaix book fair from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.