Bernard de la Villardière married to Anne: he evokes their “incidents along the way”

Bernard de La Villardière is a very discreet man when it comes to his private life. However, the presenter ofExclusive inquiry (M6) agreed to make an exception during his appearance on the show At Jordan’s.

Following the closure of Non Stop People, Jordan de Luxe returned to Entertainment TV, with a new show. After Marion Game or even Amandine Pellissard of Large families, the young man received Bernard de la Villardière. The opportunity to discuss with the 63-year-old his private life as rarely. He actually talked aboutAnne, woman to whom he has been married for thirty-eight fine years and whom he met in his youth. Although there have been “course incidents“, he explained that they have “had the wisdom to go beyond that.

Thus, the parents of Caroline (born in 1987), Marc (born in 1988), Rémi (born in 1992) and Nicolas (born in 1993) still spin the perfect love today. Bernard de la Villardière made no secret of being “sentimental and romantic“. But it’s not just these character traits that have ensured that her marriage has never run out of steam. “My wife told me some time ago I said to him: ‘At some point, I will stop travelling. All of this has been difficult for you.’ And she said to me: ‘In the end, maybe that’s what saved our couple“, he revealed.

We therefore imagine that Bernard de la Villardière will not stop traveling anytime soon. Stays for professional reasons that he shares when he can with his dear and tender Anne. “We escaped the routine so when we meet again, it’s always a real pleasure. And I happen to take it with me on trips, rarely, but on average once a year. Recently I was in Florida for a shoot, I took Anne with me“, continued the presenter who is absent at least three months a year.

Between Anne and her husband, it is therefore a story that rolls (not to say a business). And jealousy is absolutely not part of their daily lives: “With age, we are less and less dredged. And I am not possessive. You can’t say that I’m jealous.“We wish them that this love rhymes with forever.

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