Bernard de La Villardière announces good news despite “a somewhat complicated cancer, which has recurred”

A few days ago, as part of a long portrait, unveiled by the Figaroon the occasion of the 20th anniversary of his production company, Front lineBernard de La Villardière revealed that he was suffering from cancer.

Like hundreds of thousands of French people, I have cancer. Mine is a bit complicated. It’s not a ‘good’ cancer, so I’m on watch every three months“, he confided to our colleagues. “It’s been four years since I did this. It was a shock. But I didn’t want the disease to change my life. In my career, I had the chance to make several films about the end of life, and that helped me a lot to understand the idea of ​​death.“.

Saturday March 18, 2023, the host ofExclusive inquiry was the guest of Eric Dussart and Jade, in We redo the TV on RTL. The opportunity for him to raise the subject again. “Today I have a Damocles sword on my head. But like hundreds of thousands of French people. It turns out that I do have melanoma, which is a somewhat complicated cancer, which has recurred. I have benefited from medical research. And in particular an immunotherapy treatment which is supposed to potentiate your natural, immune defences. Fortunately, for now, it works. I touch wood“.

If the sixty-something has decided to “communicate” on this cancer it is because it “had his ear cut off so it shows on the screen”. “For a while I walked around with a bandage on my ear. I am (followed) at the APHP (Paris hospitals), I am not hiding, I am in the waiting rooms with all the world, I do not claim any special treatment”, he continued.

During this radio appearance, he also announced that he had “re-signed for three years a few months ago” with M6. A great sign of confidence!

See also: Bernard de La Villardière: after the controversy over Islam, he takes drugs and takes the wheel!


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