Bernard Cazeneuve’s platform for “another left” arouses mockery and indifference within the Nupes

The former Socialist Prime Minister published a column in the JDD on Sunday in which he called for the gathering of “Republicans of the left”. His manifesto was signed by nearly 400 other left-wing figures.

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What does Bernard Cazeneuve play? This is the question that some members of the Nupes ask themselves after the publication of the manifesto for “another left” of the former Prime Minister in the columns of Sunday newspaper of September 4. In this text signed by some 400 other personalities from the left, the former executive of the Socialist Party castigates the “pompous postures of insubordination”. He calls for the gathering of “Left Republicans”. Among the signatories are several former ministers of François Hollande, such as Michel Sapin and Stéphane Le Foll.

>> Socialist Party: anti-Nupes meet in Sarthe to found a “new left federation”

Within the New Popular Union, this platform arouses some mockery, but above all a good dose of indifference. “He doesn’t know where he lives, he just wants to exist”sweeps away a deputy, who believes that the former Prime Minister is “next to the mark”. Others within the left alliance regret that Bernard Cazeneuve stands apart and stoops to “easy formulas” like the “allouisation of the Socialist Party”.

Asked about it on the set of Political questions on franceinfo, Sunday, the current leader of the PS Olivier Faure reaffirms the independence of his party. For him, the socialists have their place within the Nupes. The president of the socialist group in the National Assembly castigates “people who seek to create tension” and “cleavages”. “What interests me is no longer the socialists who are against everyone, this kind of leftist who doesn’t like the left, who doesn’t like the ecologists, who doesn’t like the communists, and me I like the leftsays Olivier Faure.

“He was a great minister, he will pollute the debate.”

a member of insubordinate France

at franceinfo

In theory, nothing to wreak havoc, even if this manifesto for “another left” is supported by dissident parliamentarians from Nupes. Bernard Cazeneuve denounces the ultra-domination of Jean-Luc Mélenchon – a “ancient animosity” linked to the departure of the rebellious leader of the Socialist Party in 2008. And precisely a Socialist parliamentarian concludes: “It is a platform of people who have not taken the historic turn of the left.”

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