At the microphone of France Inter on Monday, the former Prime Minister returned to the last presidential election, but also the current dissensions within the Socialist Party.
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Bernard Cazeneuve affirmed Monday June 12 on France Inter that he will take his responsibilities during the next presidential election in 2027 “if the conditions are met for [son] movement can, with other forces of the left, create the conditions for hope”. The former Socialist Prime Minister explains that he did not start the race for the Élysée last year, putting the responsibility on the “socialists [qui] did everything to prevent this from happening”. He also accuses the “party leadership” having “everything to prevent Anne Hidalgo’s campaign from taking off”.
Bernard Cazeneuve particularly points the finger at Olivier Faure, the First Secretary of the PS. “He antagonized most of those who in this party aspired to unite him”, criticizes the former Prime Minister of François Hollande, thus evoking Nicolas Mayer-Rossignol (mayor of Rouen), Hélène Geoffroy (mayor of Vaulx-en-Velin), Carole Delga (president of the Occitanie region). For Bernard Cazeneuve, Olivier Faure “created the conditions for fracturing his country into a thousand pieces” And “He did it in the name of a strategy, that of union with LFI within Nupes”.
>> European, presidential… For its first anniversary, the Nupes is divided on its electoral strategy
To denounce this alliance, and after leaving the Socialist Party last year, Bernard Cazeneuve launched in March a movement “The convention”. “In a few months, we have accumulated 8,000 members, we have registered 1,000 this weekend” during a meeting in Créteil (Val-de-Marne). He also assures that during this gathering, “the atmosphere was one of unity, concern for the country, the search for credibility, responsibility and the will to continue to move forward”.
Bernard Cazeneuve maintains that Nupes contributes ultimately to one “loss of credibility of the left”. “If each theme that the Nupes convenes divides our country and opposes the French to each other, there will be neither unity of the left, nor unity of the country and the only unity that we will manage to achieve will be that of the extreme right and extreme right”laments Bernard Cazeneuve.
The former head of government therefore pleads for “create the conditions for the constitution of a great force that puts itself in the center of the left” and calls for a rally with “all those who doubt within the Nupes of what is happening there”.