Bernard Campan dad: rare secrets about his son, who is following a surprising professional path!

We know him for his jokes and his humorous traits, especially during The unknown, but also for his hypersensitive side that the spectators discovered in front of his performances in the cinema. Far from the boards and film sets, Bernard Campan leads a calm life as a father. If he rarely mentions his children in the press – except when he collaborates professionally with them! -, the actor agreed to say more, to Bernard Montiel on RFM, Sunday, October 9, 2022, about his daughter and his son.

Currently playing the play Humans, which is played on the stage of the Renaissance in Paris, Bernard Campan is extremely proud of his three children. Her granddaughter, by the way, also follows an artistic path, following her example. This is Nina, who is an actress and singer, and who notably studied in a prestigious school located in our capital. “She wrote several songs with her uncle who makes the music, she finished the Florent lessons, she has a lot of talent, she’s a wonderful person“, he explains, with great pride, in the program 1 hour with, on RFM.

I have a boy who chose him completely different

Nina is not totally unknown to the general public since she recently shared the poster for the TV movie like queens, broadcast on France 2 last June, with his father. Bernard Campan had suggested to the director, Marion Bernoux, to hire his daughter despite the difficulty of the challenge: he effectively embodied a dad who falls into prostitution. Married to Anne, Bernard Campan also has a son who follows a very different path from that of his father and his big sister. “I have a boy who chose something completely different for him, he says. He is a developer for game-programmers, in French, for video games. I didn’t tell them often, not enough, I said it, I wrote to them, but sometimes I tell myself that I could slip them a little I love you a little more…” That’s done.

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