Bernadette Chirac, cuckold, guns down Jacques’ mistresses: “There are only three who I want”

Flirty, Jacques Chirac was openly, not hiding his seductive temperament in front of the media. But things went further for the former President of the Republic since it was not just a question of a reputation, but of mistresses. The writer and journalist Catherine Nay addressed this subject in an interview on Europe 1 on May 15, 2022, describing what his wife Bernadette felt then, in the face of the escapades of her famous husband.

Guest of Laurent Mariotte on Europe 1 in the show The Sunday TableCatherine Nay discusses Bernadette Chirac and her experience of Jacques’ attitude: “She had a difficult character, but he was a very fickle husband, about whom she complained a lot. (…) She said he was a bit of a runner, with affairs. (…) Moreover, she had said to me one day, because I met her at the hairdresser’s: ‘Jacques deceived me a lot, I know them all, but there are only three to whom I want some. And you know what makes me happy today? I see them, they are as ugly as me!'” An acid humor which also hid the wounds of the former First Lady, having to bear the infidelities of the politician who died in 2019.

The former boss of the Yellow Pieces – now replaced by Brigitte Macron -, aged 88, is now discreet in the media. His daughter Claude agreed to give news in March to the site of The mountain : “Things are peaceful, she is doing as well as she can. We all hope, and she the first, to be able to go to Corrèze in April. Which would allow me to be more present in Tulle and Brive and would undoubtedly make her very happy.”

Supported by her daughter Claude, who has become a “helper”, Bernadette Chirac now moves with the help of a wheelchair. In her Parisian apartment on quai Voltaire in the 7th arrondissement, she is pampered by her loved ones, facing the mourning of her husband, however complicated it was to live with him, and that of their daughter Laurence.

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