Berlinale | An American Romance with Anne Hathaway and Tahar Rahim opening

(Berlin) An American romantic comedy carried in particular by the French actor Tahar Rahim and the American Anne Hathaway will open the Berlin film festival next month, the organizers announced on Wednesday.

She Came To Mea fictional film set in New York, from director and screenwriter Rebecca Miller, will be screened on the opening night of the 73e Berlinale, February 16.

Described by the organizers of the Berlinale as a “delightful comedy about love in all its forms”, the film also features one of the main actors of game of thronesPeter Dinklage, and the American Marisa Tomei, seen in particular in several films in the Marvel universe.

“We are very happy to open this edition of the festival with a compelling comedy about everyday conflicts in Western society,” Berlinale directors Mariette Rissenbeek and Carlo Chatrian said in a statement, calling the film an “ode magic to freedom of expression”.

Tahar Rahim, 41, who will preside over the César Ceremony in February for French cinema, is also continuing his career in Hollywood: he played the leading role in the hit Netflix series The snakeplaying the French killer Charles Sobhraj, before being nominated for the Golden Globes and the Bafta for Found Guiltywhere he shared the poster with the American Jodie Foster.

The Berlinale, organized from February 16 to 26, will be chaired by American actress, screenwriter and director Kristen Stewart, and will welcome Steven Spielberg as guest of honor.

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