The National Assembly unanimously adopted measures on Thursday aimed at curbing “fast fashion”. But the rebellious MP, invited on franceinfo, fears that the Ministry of the Economy will seek to reduce its scope.
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“Bercy could be tempted to reduce the scope of the text” voted by the deputies aimed at penalizing ‘fast fashion'”, alerted Alma Dufour, LFI deputy for Seine-Maritime, on Thursday on franceinfo. The National Assembly unanimously adopted on Thursday March 14 measures aimed at curbing “fast fashion”, including a ban on advertising for the sale of clothing at knockdown prices and a reinforced environmental “penalty” to make them less expensive. attractive.
“There is a risk”, worries Alma Dufour. If she has “felt Christophe Béchu”the Minister of Ecological Transition, “very enthusiastic about the text, really supportive”she assures that on the side of the Ministry of the Economy, “on Bruno Le Maire’s side, there was much more reluctance”. “This law does not suit everyone in the fashion industry. It particularly does not suit luxury players who export a lot to China and who are afraid that trade relations with China will be disrupted. .” According to her, this “contributed to the disappearance of 375,000 jobs in France in clothing manufacturing”.
His “surprise” on the unanimous vote
Alma Dufour would like to salute Horizons MP Anne-Cécile Violland, the rapporteur of the bill, who tabled the text “a little in her corner and who convinced those around her and who ended up winning the support of the Ministry of the Environment, of Christophe Béchu, against the opinion of Bruno Le Maire”. Alma Dufour says to herself “very surprised” by the unanimous vote of the deputies. “As the European elections approach, we had to send a signal to the majority who wanted to do social and environmental things”analyzes the LFI MP.
But she calls “to remain vigilant”. “The passage in the Senate could be an opportunity to unravel the text, both for Bercy, and both for the Les Républicains senators.”
“Bercy will protect the interests of the luxury industries”
According to Alma Dufour, “Bercy will protect the interests of the luxury industries, which represent a large part of the GDP. There are always these issues in free trade agreements, there are companies that lose and companies that win.” The MP fears that the Ministry of the Economy will be tempted “to reduce the scope of the text, so as not to offend China too much and so that there are no commercial retaliations against luxury brands which export a lot to China”.
But Alma Dufour believes that“by reasoning like that and protecting a handful of companies that generate a lot of turnover, we are not protecting industry in general in our country, knowing that the textile sector contributes heavily to our trade deficit”. “To protect as many people as possible and allow the industry to relocate, sometimes we have to step on the toes of certain large groups who have markets abroad”adds Alma Dufour.