Benoit Poelvoorde, who has never had children, talks about his fears for future generations who live in “a society of permanent fear”

At 15, Lucie takes care of her father William, a widower suffering from multiple sclerosis. United by an unfailing love, they will have to fight against the social services which want to separate them. This is the pitch of the latest film currently showing by Olivier Babinet, normaladapted from the play by David Greig Hallway Monster, what Benoit Poelvoorde came to defend, this Sunday, April 9, 2023, in the studios of RTL Evening. If in the cinema, the actor often played dads, in real life, the 58-year-old man never had children despite a twenty-year marriage and a long relationship with Chiara Mastroianni. In 2019, he confided in the Parisian : “But that doesn’t bother me: I have children everywhere. All my friends’ children are my children. I take good care of them”, he explained, being happy like this. Moreover, he had revealed during the same interview that although he is not a father, the children adore him and his friends remember it each time a new baby arrives sincehe is… five times godfather : “I’m here if the plane crashes with both parents!”.

See also: Benoit Poelvoorde interrupts an interview and displays a member of a famous radio station!

“You caught me with your question!”
And that evening, the journalists Julien Sellier and Stéphane Boudsocq have decided to question the actor again on the subject of paternity. And this one, embarrassed, seems to hesitate: “A child in this world… I’m so scared when I see everything that happens, everything that’s coming up…it’s still not great, frankly, I’m not talking about wars (…) but I’m naturally pessimistic, contrary to what you think…” he launches first and admits: “You caught me with your question!” and try to provide a clear answer: “Nobut it scares me, it really scares me for the kids… it’s true, let’s think about it…” And from being interviewed, Benoit Poelvoorde turns into an interviewer: “You havechildren ?” he asks the two journalists who respond in unison: “Ah yes, it’s too late.” The Belgian actor continues: “How old are they?”, “Me, they are tall, answers Stéphane Boudsocq, they are over 20 years old. My classmate is a young dad.” Julien Sellier agrees: “They are 8 and 3 years old but we are very worried…” he replies with a laugh. The actor resumes his thread with humor: “I’m pissing everyone off here…” then concludes: “But don’t show them that we’re worried, maybe because we’re going to give a society of anxious people. But at the same time, we’re doing everything to piss them off, we’re in a society of permanent fear… whatever they want to do, it’s already been done anyway!” A dark picture and a moving frankness, which definitely contrasts with its image of funny service.


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