Benoît Magimel “coped” by his partner Margot Pelletier during his diet, a stunning result

Benoît Magimel gave of himself for the needs of Emmanuelle Bercot’s new feature film, In his lifetime, released in theaters on November 24 with Catherine Deneuve and Cécile de France in the cast. In this film, he plays Benjamin, a young man suffering from an incurable disease supported by those around him to accompany him in his last moments. To appear as believable as possible in front of the camera, Hannah and Djinina’s dad (21 and 10 years old) had to lose a lot of weight in record time. But during his draconian physical preparation, Benoît Magimel encountered difficulties.

On days when he lacked motivation, the 47-year-old actor could count on the invaluable help of his companion, screenwriter Margot Pelletier, who encouraged him not to give up and to continue his efforts. I was coped by my wife … It was really an iron discipline. For 5 years, people keep asking me to gain weight, to lose it “, he said on the show As an aside, broadcast on Canal +.

In almost four months, Benoît Magimel lost more than 25 kilos. “I had to do three successive regimes because the shooting was stopped twice, which was perilous. These three regimes completely punctuated my life: meals, recovery, training. I spent my time shopping, preparing my meals. dishes, my snacks … I managed to lose those 25 kilos in three and a half months with the help of my family because it had become an obsession: all my conversations revolved around this “, he confided in the columns of the L’Equipe Magazine.

Anxious to do well, Benoît Magimel went so far as to obtain information from a specialist for his role. “I assisted consultations with an oncologist but I quickly stopped. I felt like I was a voyeur. Above all, I had to draw my inspiration from myself, that I totally identify with the character “, let know the former companion of Juliette Binoche to Star TV. When we love what we do, we don’t count!

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