Benoît Magimel and Cécile De France very accomplices, Catherine Deneuve in good shape for “De son vivant”

We had to be patient, very patient, before discovering Emmanuelle Bercot’s new film. Postponed by the Covid-19 pandemic and by the health concerns of Catherine Deneuve, In his lifetime will finally be released in cinemas on November 24, 2021, after being presented at the Cannes Film Festival last July. A few hours before the national screenings, a preview however took place at the Pathé-Wepler cinema, in the 18th arrondissement of Paris, on Wednesday, November 17. And for the occasion, the director was obviously surrounded by her actresses and her actors.

In his lifetime tells the story of a man in his forties, whose fate is sealed by illness. The film retraces his year of struggle, in four seasons, his doubts, his fears, finally acceptance. In the role of Benjamin, Benoît Magimel has rarely been so fair. And he had the chance to give the answer to Catherine Deneuve, who plays his mother, but also to Lou Lampros, Oscar Morgan, Gabriel Sara and Cécile de France. Such an experience, inevitably, it brings closer. That’s why, on the night of the preview, everyone seemed so happy with their reunion.

I took a long time to recover exactly

The one who risked her life on the set of the feature film is Catherine Deneuve. In November 2019, she was the victim of “small stroke“while she was shooting a sequence and took months to recover from it. Upon returning to the film sets, a few months later, the 78-year-old actress was not quite the same.”The script had not changed, but I was another woman, who had a different way of seeing, of thinking, of moving, she explained in the columns of the magazine She. I was very lucky, because I was touched more than anything by this stroke. And yet, even though I was little touched, it took me a long time to recover exactly, to be sure that everything was perfectly in its place.“To see this performance performed under exceptional circumstances, go to the theaters …

Watch the film “De son vivant” at the cinema on November 24, 2021.

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