Benoît Hamon bald and mustachioed: his new look makes the hearts of the French beat faster!

A good blow from the side of the regional council of Île-de-France! On Tuesday January 18, 2022, the former socialist minister Benoit Hamon took everyone by surprise by sharing a photograph on which we discover a relatively surprising new look… since Monsieur has shaved his head, let his mustache grow and that he shamelessly reveals the fleece of his torso with the help of a shirt with a largely unbuttoned collar. “Very motivated for season 4 of Narcos”, jokes the politician, 54, nicknamed Benoit Jamon for the occasion.

Of course, life is unfair and this was all a big joke. The bare skull of Benoît Hamon made the joy of many followers of the movement Generations… but it was only the result of computer editing – what a misfortune! After having collected many compliments, the husband of Gabrielle Guallar revealed the sad truth by revealing the photograph at the origin of this subterfuge : same pose, same outfit, but do you want some hair? And no mustache!

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