Benoit Dubois displays in “TPMP” politicians and media stars who send “photos of their zizi”

The former hairdresser who became famous since his remarkable participation in “Secret Story” in 2010 has now become a TV presenter and columnist. In particular since 2018 on the show “TPMP People”, hosted by his great friend Matthieu Delormeau, whom he has known since the days of NRJ12. This Saturday, October 15, the host arrived late for the presentation of his program for lack of… fuel! Replaced at the last minute by Laurent Fontaine, Matthieu Delormeau finally managed to join his columnists and launch the topics of the moment. In summary, the words of the former swimming champion Laure Manaudou who fears, as she reveals in her book “Between the lines”, that one day her daughter will come across her naked photos. In the early 2000s, in fact, her former companion, the Italian swimmer Luca Marin, had broadcast on the networks very intimate photos of the young woman at the time of their breakup. Despite all her efforts to make them disappear from the canvas, the champion regularly sees them resurface!

“Here is my dick, would you come by the house?”
On this subject, the columnist Benoit Dubois does not fail to bounce back immediately. And let go live: “There are people from the media who send me their ‘d*** pics, their photos of private parts, of penises’. The presenter immediately tries to find out more and asks him to clarify his remarks: “Wait, wait, are there stars sending you their piss? “. And Benoît Dubois to answer him: “Yes, animators, people in politics and I tell them: ‘fortunately I’m corticated because I could swing the sauce… So I think it could damage me too in my career to disclose these photos.”Concludes the 32-year-old columnist. But driven by curiosity, Matthieu Delormeau tries to find out more and asks him: “Big channel hosts that everyone knows?” he is interested. “Yes there is.” says Benoit Dubois. “And they send you: ‘hi Benoit, here is my dick'”, continues the host. “No, they talk a bit: ‘I like what you do in TPMP People, thing, thing and ‘here is my dick, wouldn’t you come by the house?’” jokes Benoit in turn. Annoyed at not having names, Matthieu Delormeau concludes above all with another great regret: “I am still very surprised. You are little columnists, I am a huge star, I do not receive any dick photos from the Marie de Paris when I leave.” Case to follow… so.

France Live

See also:

Benoit Dubois: aesthetic medicine costs him 1,000 euros a year!

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