Benjamin Siksou, singer and actor starring in Arnaud Desplechin’s next film “Brother and Sister”



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The singer, revealed almost 15 years ago in “Nouvelle Star, released a new album “Saxophonia”. He also starred in “Brother and Sister”, Arnaud Desplechin’s latest film.

Benjamin Siksou is back. To the song as to the cinema. He will notably be in the cast of Arnaud Desplechin’s next film entitled “Brother and Sister”, a moving intimate drama. At his side, we will find Marion Cotillard and Melvil Poupaud. Present at the Cannes Film Festival, Benjamin Siksou admits that he dreamed of one day treading the red carpet of the high mass of the 7th art.

Four years after “Au chant du coq”, his first album, he also unveils his second opus, called “Saxophonia”. He tells stories of love, of people who are missing. Last February, he unveiled a first extract “See you again again”, a melancholy title where he evokes the memories of a lost love. “Saxophonia” will be released on June 17.

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