Benjamin Mendy accused of rape by 4 women: why is he changing prison?

But where will the descent into hell of Benjamin mendy ? The former footballer had everything going for him, the left-back of Manchester City, one of the best teams in the world, and world champion in 2018 with the Blues of Didier Deschamps, the 27-year-old footballer led the dream life. Except that everything collapsed on a beautiful day in August 2021. For several months now, the former teammate of Kylian Mbappé on the Monaco side has been locked in a prison on the Liverpool side. Accused of seven rapes on four women and a sexual assault on a fifth, the player has just experienced a new setback.

As the British media The Sun learns today, Benjamin Mendy was transferred just before Christmas to a new prison, located on the Manchester side and the standard is not at all the same. The prison where he was in Liverpool could no longer ensure his safety and the authorities therefore decided to imprison him in Strangeways, a Category A prison, while the previous one is Category B. High security prison, Strangeways is considered by English journalists to be theone of the most violent in the countrys.

“The prison administration has a responsibility to manage detainees in the safest way possible”, said a source familiar with Strangeways. According to The Sun, the safety of Benjamin Mendy, as well as his co-accused Louis Saha Matturie, would be at the heart of this change. “Mendy and Matturie have been moved because their business is very popular. It can lead to safety issues for them and we thought that a category A prison was better equipped for this kind of problem “, indicated the same source.

Now pending his judgment, initially scheduled for January 24 before being postponed to the end of June, Benjamin Mendy will be in court this Friday and will have to say whether or not he pleads guilty to the charges he faces. .

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