Benjamin Lecomte: His wife Cindy victim of a ski accident, horrible pain and operation to come

While skiing holidays are often an opportunity to have a great time, we must not forget that this sport can sometimes be very dangerous. It’s kind of what just happened to Cindy lecomte, the wife of Benjamin Lecomte, professional goalkeeper who plays for Atletico Madrid in Spain alongside Antoine Griezmann. The beautiful blonde thought she was having a good time with friends on the ski slopes, but nothing went as planned for her …

As she documented in a story on her Instagram account, where she is followed by over 23,000 followers, the mother of Lily Rose (born November 2013) and Leandro (born July 2018) – who recently participated in the ‘reality TV-show Champions: Footballer Families on TFX – had a funny day. If all went well at the start of the day, Benjamin Lecomte’s wife suffered a fall that caused a serious injury. She was forced to be transported by a rescuer to the track before being taken to helicopter to the nearest hospital. We can attest to this journey through the short videos that she published as a story.

Waiting for the operation with the worst pain of my life ever …

Once at the hospital, Cindy must have taken her pain patiently on her bed, but obviously morale was good. “Waiting for the operation with the worst pain of my life ever …” she writes on a very short looping video where you can see that the injury is in his left forearm. Lucky for her, medicine has made strides in bringing relief to patients and she is not going to complain. “But we keep smiling thanks to the morphine”, she writes on a second video adding several laughing crying emojis.

A difficult moment for Cindy Lecomte who will have to go through the operation before certainly several months of healing to be able to hit the slopes again!

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