Benjamin Castaldi’s creepy confession live in “TPMP”!

Every week, Sasha Elbaz intervenes in “Touche pas à mon poste” to present her column called “L’Indic de la rédac”. Upstream, the columnist peels the images of what happens during advertising breaks or during times when mini-reports are broadcast on the big screen. No detail escapes the columnist who is often determined to embarrass his colleagues present around the table.

This Thursday, June 1, 2023, it was Benjamin Castaldi who was singled out since Sasha Elbaz revealed what he would have recently said to Valérie Benaïm and Sophie Coste during a pub break. “I have ken my cousin” he indeed launched when they had all just debated on a topical subject evoking a giant cousinade. To which Sophie Coste replied: “I too have ken my cousin. We fiddled with each other…”.

And Benjamin Castaldi to outbid about his closeness to his cousin: “She touched me the bistouquette”. Shocked, Valérie Benaïm is sorry then: “But what are these families?”. Embarrassed by the revelation of this sequence, Benjamin Castaldi then launched: “But why are you showing that!” before trying to justify himself summarily: “Well, it happens…”.

And Sophie Coste to make a point: “He’s not my first cousin but when we’re kids, we sleep in the same room, the parents put us in the same room well it happens…”. A revelation that confirms the status of inveterate seducer of Benjamin Castaldi who recently confessed to having frequented a famous porn actress….


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