Benjamin Castaldi with an open heart about his countless cosmetic surgery operations!

The atmosphere is there on the set of TPMP. As the summer season approaches, columnists are unleashed. This Monday, June 13, Cyril Hanouna has also offered his little proteges to fly to other horizons. An opportunity for Kelly Vedovelli to reveal one of her dearest dreams. Namely, participate in the Beijing Express adventure. A confidence that did not fail to react to his boss who immediately contacted the host of the famous show, Stéphane Rotenberg. ” I would like to ask you a small favor. There is Kelly who would like to do Beijing Express. And we, we would necessarily like to get rid of it “Launched the troublemaker of C8 to his interlocutor.

The day after this well-felt tackle against the pretty blonde, it was Benjamin Castaldi who took it for his rank. Indeed, Cyril Hanouna was particularly annoyed by the columnist this Tuesday, June 14. He criticizes the latter in particular for never articulating. An opportunity for the presenter to address the many cosmetic surgery operations of the former star of Secret Story. Interventions he would have undergone because of his boss. ” He teased me for months and months and gave me a complex. I went to have surgery for him… “, explained the companion of Aurore Aleman last February after having been operated on the eyelids.

“You have the mouth of Ivana Trump”

At the time, he also reportedly considered having liposuction. However, he would never have touched her lips again. What Cyril Hanouna seems to doubt. ” You have the mouth of Ivana Trump “, dropped the facilitator. ” You are jealous because she is luscious, she is beautiful. It’s the mouth of Simone Signoret, that “, declared the grandson of the actress before adding:” I will tell you. I say everything. I have no secrets. It’s because of you that I have prickly eyes”. “I redid my gums, I redid my eyes because of him”specified the columnist who also admitted to having made a few injections.


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