Benjamin Castaldi (TPMP) reveals live to have a “birth defect”!

It’s no secret that Cyril Hanouna loves to trick his columnists throughout his show “Touche pas à mon poste” (C8)… And among the targets that the host prefers, Benjamin Castaldi is probably the one who takes it most on his rank around the table!

Regularly swept away by Baba because of his many cosmetic surgery operations which he speaks of without taboo, Benjamin Castaldi had also let it be known on the air that he had “had his eyelids redone” following several mockery from Cyril Hanouna on his little eyes!

“I redid my eyes because of him”, he said, obviously referring to Cyril Hanouna. More recently, this Thursday, November 17, 2022, Simon Castaldi’s father revealed live that new jokes from Cyril Hanouna had once again prompted him to consult a doctor.

And for good reason, since the start of the school year, Cyril Hanouna hasn’t stopped telling the former presenter of “Secret Story” that he has breasts! Remarks that led the columnist to the office of a health professional who would have told him after the consultation: “But you have mammary glands! »

“It seems that I have a birth defect of the nipple”, then unveiled Benjamin Castaldi on the set of TPMP! “I would have a deformation of the mammary gland, so it would have to be removed”he concluded.

See also: “He fucked all of Paris”: Unease in TPMP when Laurent Baffie balances on the past of Benjamin Castaldi live!


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